Mike is baaaaasically Balrog, but not really. While guys like Birdie, Adon, Sagat, Gen, and Eagle evolved and became more realized, a handful of opponents remained stuck in the past with nothing much to hang on to. When you try to figure out the worst Street Fightercharacter, you basically have to look to the first game and the cast members who never got revisited in any relevant way. Now let’s start with the worst of the worst… 78. Keep that in mind when your favorite ends up in the late-30s or wherever. In comparison, Street Fighter’s roster is a lot more solid on the whole, so realize that I’m very much a fan of most of the entries on the list. Now, the Mortal Kombat cast is completely scattershot in quality. Also, depictions in other games and media reflect on my opinion, so while Sawada won’t make it in, Raul Julia’s M. Not over who has the better infinite combos, hitboxes, or whatever wins you tournaments. That means Street Fighter, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter V, and all their respective upgrades and updates.Īs with the Mortal Kombat article, I’m ranking these based on style, storyline, and personal preference. Instead, all you need to qualify is to be a fighter in one of the canon Street Fighter games. Then I realized that those qualifications would mean I’d have to include the cast of Street Fighter EX, and nuts to that! Sorry, but that cast is 80% terrible, and I really don’t want to have to talk about them. That way I could make jokes about Captain Sawada from Street Fighter: The Movie and the Shadaloo Cyborg from Street Fighter: The Interactive Movie. At first, I was thinking of going with any fighter in a game with “Street Fighter” in the title. Of course, figuring out the guidelines was a bit tricky.

Only makes sense to try the World Warriors while I’m at it.

Hey, people seemed to like it when I did the same for Mortal Kombat. They’ve had movies, animated adventures, lots of comics, and a really cool web series.Īs the franchise continues to chug along with Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition and its constant DLC, I’ve decided to rank every character from worst to best. With so many sequels and rehashes, the iconic cast of characters has clashed with the Marvel superheroes and even their SNK and Namco fighting game counterparts. Capcom’s series has been reinvented many times over the last 30 years. Street Fighter’s been part of video game culture-hell, pop culture-since…well, the second game.